Professional Coaches and Personal Friends

‘Asking better questions means better answers” - this is true for you and your teams - especially when things are unexpected. We are two men who met 15+ years ago - we‘ve been chatting ever since - either as professional coaches or as personal friends. Stephen Gribben, CEO of CoachPro with over 20+ years of executive coaching expertise, shares models and ways of thinking that will transform your perspective and next steps. Warren Hammond - over 20 years experience in growing and running sales organisations - asks most of the questions and learns to ask better ones every time.
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Episode 106: Emotional Intelligence as the fuel to achieve amazing things
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Welcome to episode 6 where Stephen and I have a chat about Emotional Intelligence.
As mentioned there are 100s of books and articles on this and we’re only scratching the surface - but it’s a topic definitely worth digging into. Stephen references the daddy of them all - Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence.
Two things to call out which came out from our chat - firstly - Emotional intelligence is not fixed early in our lives - it can be learned if its absent and it can always be improved on.
Secondly - whilst there are libraries full of books and studies on this topic - everyone has been using it for years - including you. I reference Aristotle but it is part of all major philosophies and religions to some degree.
Although we all use it it is clear that we have an opportunity to use it better. And one strong tool that will help is the importance of a big purpose and a big goal - something that is a bit of a recurring theme in our chats.
Emotions shouldn’t be judged or suppressed - but channelled effectively…. And why it’s pointless to try to stop caring as a way of stopping your emotions.
I’ve covered this topic a few times with Stephen - I remember clearly he introduced some of this framework to me in our very first session - but every time I seem to learn something new or remember something better. Which helps make me a little better. Hope this episode has the same effect on you.
Thank you for the feedback so far - it's good to hear. Feel free to get in contact with comments and suggestions for future topics at
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Episode 105: Coaching, Training & Broadening your Toolbox
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Hello and welcome to Episode 5 of Professional Coaches and Personal Friends. In this episode Stephen and I talk about Coaching & Training - importantly the difference between the 2 and when they could be best employed.
We started by talking about the online training people had signed up for and why much of it hadn’t been sustainable and the importance of a strong Purpose in keeping momentum going.
We looked at the options available to leaders - teaching, training, mentoring, coaching, counselling and psychotherapy and one way to see the links between them.
Building a portfolio of options and approaches and why it is important for us all to be able to respond well to different people and different situations.
And towards the end Stephen explains why he feels coaching is so powerful - and it’s clear he is genuinely passionate about the work the he does and has been doing for last 20+ years.
The start is a little stunted as we had a Zoom moment - my son interrupted to negotiate for some Fortnite screen time… we dive straight back in and quickly get back up to speed.
I enjoyed this - I learned some new things and was reminded of some old gems. If you have any comments or questions please get in contact
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Episode 104: Challenges, Confidence & Happiness
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Welcome to Episode 4. In this conversation Stephen starts by asking a very disruptive question: Are you happy? And then explains why it can mess with our minds.
And then we have a short chat on the importance of understanding happiness and where it comes from.
The main topic is a happiness model that looks at the effect your own confidence and your perception of challenges can impact and decide your happiness - and we spend some time looking at these 2 different levers and how to make the model work for you.
Some discussion on using stress to build your confidence - eustress and distress - and some examples of managing these levers in real life - including some parenting advice for me and Stephen explaining how he put his boys onto a plane to the US and his challenges with preparing an online Demo.
As always I enjoyed myself - sometimes you don’t hear too much from me but I’m smiling and nodding - hope you are too. Enjoy.
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Episode 103: Time for Higher Performance
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
In this conversation we discuss High Performance - and why 'Now is the time' to start pushing for it again. 'Now is the time' before we hardwire habits that won’t serve us well in the coming months. 'Now is the time' to move from survival mode to competing and winning.
Areas covered -
What is High Performance?
Setting and reviewing expectations - yours from yourself and what others now expect from you
Being “more than just a…” at home and at work
Importance of internal drivers in creating high performance - and the impact that they can have if not aligned with the external demands
Healthy Dissatisfaction and its place in moving you from the Comfort Zone
What happens when you are able to focus on the opportunity
Turn up and Find out
And one of my favourite bits so far: this time has given us all the chance to redefine ourselves & our expectations- if you don’t do it someone else will.
Any comments, questions, thoughts - let us know on
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Episode 102: Being Authentic and Remote
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Welcome to Episode 2 of Professional Coaches & personal friends with me Warren and my own coach and personal friend Stephen Gribben.
I’ve known Stephen for over 10 years and we’ve covered a lot of ground - I wouldn’t say he’s saved my life but he’s definitely improved it in many ways.
The idea of this podcast was to share some of the things we talk about - the editing sometimes means that there is not much introduction - but I’ve tried to keep out too much of the chatty topics and leave in some of the good stuff.
In this chat Stephen discusses the importance of authenticity and compassion for your customers and your employees - everyone really. An important message that this crisis isn’t simply s marketing opportunity - but a chance to show you really care - in a way that was impossible before. Stephen shares some of his personal journey which is interesting.
In the second half we discuss Remote Working and the move away from offices. One key point I took away was that remote working should not be a preferred outcome - instead we need to focus again on what is the key strategic imperatives and does remote working support it. It’s a good balance.
Overall I think our conversations are about addressing our work lives once we get back to “normal”. Are we ready for what’s coming or are we “asleep at the wheel”.
I’ll pop by halfway through to smooth the edit and again at the end. We’ve a new email address - Send any thoughts, comments, questions through and we’ll get to them soon.
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Episode 101: 216 people, 12 Monkeys & Ridiculous Goals
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
After 15 years of chatting professional coaches and personal friends Stephen and Warren share some of their conversations on how things are - without the football chat.
In this conversation recorded in mid May 2020 we discuss:
How Stephen has spoken to over 200 people since the lockdown started - and some of the things he has learned so far.
12 Monkeys and their link to chips
"People will remember what you did do - and what you didn't do" - advice for how to treat your employees and your customers during this time.
Communicating in uncertain times - the importance of communicating even when there is isn't much to communicate.
Dealing with the initial rush of energy as it turns to fatigue - for you and your teams.
The importance of goals - especially in times of change - and how to make them stick.
Reviewing SMART goals - and making them more memorable.
Any comments, thoughts or questions - please share with us at
We'll open up more social chat as we go along.
Next episode up soon!